Honoring What Ben Stood For- Academics, Atheletics, and Volunteerism.


Step 1:

The Goal:

Raise $100,000 into a scholarship fund held by Madison Community Foundation, a 501(c)3 community trust. Donations to “Ben’s Scholarship” fund are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

“Ben’s Scholarship” will provide an annual scholarship to a qualified student-athelet from Madison West each year.


Step 2:

West High School Student Atheletes Apply

In the second step, An independent scholarship committe at West High School accepts and reviews scholarship requests from student-atheletes.

The winner of “Ben’s Scholarship” is determined on 3 criteria- values central to Ben’s life and legacy;

  1. Academic Performance– excellent academic performance required.
  2. Atheletic Performance– a student athelete that lifts up his or her teammates daily, verified by their coach.
  3. Volunteerism– applicants who have demonstrable volunteering hours (particularly in mental health and suicide prevention) are given priority consideration.


Step 3:

Annual Scholarship Awarded:

Each year starting in April of 2026 “Ben’s Scholarship” will be awarded to the winner (as decided by the independent panel at West High School) and awarded at West High School’s “Scholarship night” by the Balgord Family.


Final Step:

Ben’s Legacy, in Perpetuity:

 “Ben’s Scholarship” fund will be managed as a permanent endowment, supporting students’ academic futures.

Ben wanted to make the world better for all, forever. Let this annual scholarship reflect that wish.

“Ben’s Scholarship” is a collaborative vision, inspired by his father- Gary Balgord. Some of Gary’s most lasting and meaningful memories of his son were made in Ben’s formative years at Madison West High School, particularly in Ben’s proud soccer career as a Regent.

When we reached out to Ben’s teammates, the flood of joyful and sincere stories we received was…overwhelming. In addition to his athletic accomplishments on the field, his peers remember him as a leader, a giver, a joker, and a vibrant source of life. While the stories varied and always seemed to “Go Hard!” in one way or another, one theme remained constant. Benjamin Balgord was a remarkable student athelete who lifted those around him.

So, we decided to do something to memorialize some of the best of Ben. His scholarship winner is selected annually on 3 simple criterion; be an excellent athelete, be an excellent student, and volunteer to make the world better. For anyone who knew him, we think he would approve…it’s how he lived his life.

Please donate to “Ben’s Scholarship“. Donate because Ben was a remarkable human being who is worthy of remembrance. Donate to support all the future generations of excellent student-athelets to come. Donate, because this scholarship pushes our young people to volunteer within mental health services and make this world a better place.

So, cheers to you Ben. I’m proud to donate, and I’ll probably do so again next year too. You are missed and I know that each day I try to remember to “Go Hard!!!” (in the paint of course) like you did. You have certainly helped me to become a better person and father and I am going to miss you.

Best to all and thank you for your support,

Matt Stran






Support the Ben Balgord Memorial Scholarship Fund